Rules and Regulations

  1. The prescribed Establishment Fees is to be paid at the time of admission for one full academic year. If someone wishes to leave the hostel during the year or expelled from the Hostel, no claim could be made to reimburse the Establishment Fees.
  2. Since a sense of order is necessary for concentrated study, everyone needs to strictly adhere to the common timetable. Timetable brings order into ones life, helps in the effective time management and promotes fair sense of predictability and planning.
  3. Absolute silence at the prescribed hours is necessary for fruitful study so that every inmate can concentrate on the work at hard.
  4. All are expected to attend the classes regularly. Prior permission from the warden/Asst. Warden is to be obtained to absent oneself from the classes.
  5. The warden / Asst. Wardens will visit each room regularly to ensure whether the inmate is present in the room. So the door of the room should be kept unlocked and latch unfastened.
  6. The warden / Asst. Wardens will search the room, suit cases, wardrobes and cupboards in case they feel it necessary to search.
  7. Mobile Phones are to be kept in the locker kept in ground floor of the Hostel and locked by the user. High School and PUC students are not permitted to bring or use cell phones in the Hostel.
  8. The use of personal computers would be permitted only if the subjects taken require the use of computers on regular basis. If any misuse of the computer is detected the permission given will be withdrawn.
  9. Parents consent is necessary for the residents to visit local relatives and to stay overnight. Permission should be obtained from the Warden or Asst. Warden for overnight stay outside the hostel.
  10. Hosteller shall come inside the Hostel before 6.00PM.
  11. During study hours no one is permitted to use cell phones.
  12. Hostellers are not permitted to use motor vehicles even outside the campus.
  13. After 6 pm visitors are not allowed inside the Hostel premises. Parents and relatives are permitted to meet the Hostellers only in visitor parlour and not in the rooms.
  14. Every hosteller, while going out will enter the particulars in the movement register. On return should inform the Warden / Asst. Warden and note the time in register.
  15. Smoking, use of narcotic drugs and of tobacco in any form as well as possession and consumption of alcohol are strictly forbidden.
  16. It is forbidden to indulge in lending and borrowing money or other things. If someone lends and borrows money, it is his own risk and no complaint would be entertained in this regard and the management will not take up the duty of arbitration.
  17. The above rules are not exhaustive. The hostel Warden reserves the right to modify these rules without notice.